[Annelida] International Polychaete day

Torkild Bakken via annelida%40net.bio.net (by torkild.bakken from ntnu.no)
Wed Jul 1 16:07:25 EST 2015

Dear friends,
Contributions from Norway for the #InternationalPolychaeteDay.

A presentation on worms, research and Kristian Fauchald from the University Museum in Bergen:

and a tribute to Kristian in Norwegian. I believe Kristian's international reputation and merits are better known internationally than in his home country:

Best wishes,

Torkild Bakken Dr scient.
Associate professor/Head of Department
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
University Museum
NO-7491 Trondheim

Phone: +47 73 59 23 82
Mobile: +47 911 11 179
Web page at NTNU<http://www.ntnu.edu/employees/torkild.bakken>
Editor in chief of Fauna norvegica<http://www.ntnu.no/ojs/index.php/fauna_norvegica/>

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