I have started to put together the Storify story of the day, but due to the fantastic amount of information it may take me a week or so. However, will try to get it out as soon as possible.
Many thanks
From: Susan von Thun <svonthun from mbari.org<mailto:svonthun from mbari.org>>
Date: Thursday, 2 July 2015 20:28
To: "Osborn, Karen" <OsbornK from si.edu<mailto:OsbornK from si.edu>>
Cc: "Waters, Hannah" <WatersH from si.edu<mailto:WatersH from si.edu>>, "annelida from magpie.bio.indiana.edu<mailto:annelida from magpie.bio.indiana.edu>" <annelida from magpie.bio.indiana.edu<mailto:annelida from magpie.bio.indiana.edu>>, "Knowlton, Nancy" <KNOWLTON from si.edu<mailto:KNOWLTON from si.edu>>, "Collins, Jennifer A." <CollinsJe from si.edu<mailto:CollinsJe from si.edu>>, "Krasco, Cristin" <krascoc from si.edu<mailto:krascoc from si.edu>>, "Frost, Emily G." <FrostEG from si.edu<mailto:FrostEG from si.edu>>, "Wanek, Jasmine" <WanekJ from si.edu<mailto:WanekJ from si.edu>>, Kyra Schlining <schlin from mbari.org<mailto:schlin from mbari.org>>, "Hammock, Jennifer" <HammockJ from si.edu<mailto:HammockJ from si.edu>>, "Mace, Trish" <MaceT from si.edu<mailto:MaceT from si.edu>>, "Costantino, Grace" <CostantinoG from si.edu<mailto:CostantinoG from si.edu>>, Craig McClain <cmcclain from nescent.org<mailto:cmcclain from nescent.org>>, "Collins, Allen" <COLLINSA from si.edu<mailto:COLLINSA from si.edu>>, "Watt, Hilary-Morgan" <WattH from si.edu<mailto:WattH from si.edu>>, Social Media List Server <socialmedia from listserver.mbari.org<mailto:socialmedia from listserver.mbari.org>>
Subject: [Annelida] Re: International Polychaete Day, 1 July
Hi all! #internationalPolychaeteDay is trending in Twitter! Great job everyone on making all that content such a success! Looking forward to participating again next year!
Sent from my iPhone
On Jun 4, 2015, at 12:54 PM, Osborn, Karen <OsbornK from si.edu<mailto:OsbornK from si.edu>> wrote:
Hello All,
Plans continue for the first International Polychaete Day (1 July 2015) inaugurated in memory of Kristian Fauchald who passed away 5 April 2015. What better way to remember and celebrate him than by sharing with the world the amazing animals he dedicated his life too?! Below is an update of currently known activities and posts planned for the day. It is shaping up to be a great event.
If you plan to participate in some way and are not listed below, please let me know as we will be keeping a log and links to all activities that we will share with Kristian's family and close friends at the end of the day.
twitter #InternationalPolychaeteDay (thanks Geoff)
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History:
· Ocean Portal blog post and photo show (http://ocean.si.edu/)
· "14 Fun Facts about Bristleworms" on Smithsonian.com
· EOL species of the day (Bobbit worm) and a polychaete memory game (http://fieldguides.eol.org/memory/play.php?xmgp=3331372a506f6c7963686165746573212a687474702533412532462532463136302e3131312e3234382e3238253246636f6e74656e742532463230313525324630342532463237253246313225324633393730335f38385f38382e6a70672a31#)
· Invertebrate Zoology Dept Blog (No Bones) biography of Kristian by Linda Ward (http://nmnh.typepad.com/no_bones/)
· Sant Ocean Hall and Q?RIUS will have multiple interactive activities and 'expert is in' demonstrations, including cart presentations on meiofaunal polychaetes, leaches, hydrothermal vent polychaetes, midwater polychaetes, polychaetes as symbionts, polychaetes in biodiversity studies, and a general show and tell of polychaete diversity, as well as demonstrations of scientific illustrations focused on polynoids
· Social media team blitz
· Smithsonian Marine Station Aquarium, Fort Pierce, Florida activities for visitors
· Biodiversity Heritage Library blog post on McIntoshs Monograph of the British Marine Annelids and its stunning illustrations
· Video feature on deep-sea polychaetes (https://www.youtube.com/user/MBARIvideo)
· Social media blitz
National Museum Wales:
· a storify recap of the day like this one
· #WormWednesday
WoRMS (obituary by Fred and Greg posted 29Apr2015):
Deep-sea News blog (http://deepseanews.com/): Feature on polychaetes
Australian Museum Sydney Pat Hutchings, activities
Crete Aquarium Christos Arvanitidis, activities
Alexander Semenov photo show!
All the best,
Here is a picture of Olga Hartman and Kristian at his graduation (Thank you Kirk!)
Karen Osborn
osbornk from si.edu<mailto:osbornk from si.edu>
Research Zoologist/Curator
Department of Invertebrate Zoology
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, MRC-163
P.O. Box 37012
Washington, DC 20013-7012 USA
Courier address:
Smithsonian Institution, MRC 0163, Natural History, West Loading Dock
10th and Constitution Ave., Washington, DC 20560
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