[Annelida] Re: Fauchald, Orensanz and Amaral

Angel de León via annelida%40net.bio.net (by deleongonzalez from gmail.com)
Mon Jul 20 18:52:38 EST 2015

Dear all,

I made a mistake, I was wrong, the talk of Paulo Lana was in honor of
Edmundo Ferraz Nonato, my friend Cecilia Amaral still alive. An apology for

Angel de León

2015-07-20 17:46 GMT-05:00 Angel de León <deleongonzalez from gmail.com>:

> Dear colleagues,
> As some of you know, last week we organized the IV SILPOY (IV Latin
> American Simposium of Polychaeta) here in Monterrey, Mexico. With so much
> bad news in this 2014-2015, we decided to dedicate the conference in honor
> of Kristian Fauchald (Kirk Fitzhugh), José María Orensanz (Sergio Salazar)
> and Nonato Amaral (Paulo Lana). We appreciate the participation of those
> speakers who highlighted the qualities of this three distinguished
> polychaetologists.
> Through different conferences, we note the interest and dedication that
> printed to the study of polychaete from their respective places, helping to
> understand this complicated group. A word joins three polychaetologist:
> Next SILPOLY will be in Costa Rica on 2018, meanwhile, we will meet in
> Cardiff next year for IPC12.
> Thanks for your time,
> Angel de León

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