[Annelida] Abstracts Due: SICB Session in Memory of Kristian Fauchald

Damhnait McHugh via annelida%40net.bio.net (by dmchugh from colgate.edu)
Fri Jul 31 08:26:57 EST 2015

As announced earlier, the  Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
will host a special session in memory of Kristian Fauchald at their Annual
Meeting in Portland, OR (January 3 - 7, 2016):

To contribute to this special session (with an oral presentation or a
poster), please submit your abstract before September 3:

**NOTE: To make sure you are scheduled in the special session, when
submitting your abstract go to "F. TOPICS OF SESSIONS" and choose "J.1.
Special Session in Honor and Memory of Kristian Fauchald" under the
drop-down menu as your choice for Topic 1.**

Proceedings from this session will be published in the quarterly
journal *Invertebrate
Biology*; any manuscripts submitted for review by February 15, 2016 and
accepted within six months will appear in the same issue of the journal.
Details regarding manuscript submission will be distributed to authors of
abstracts submitted for the session.

All the best,

Professor, Department of Biology
Director, Division of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Colgate University
Hamilton, NY 13346, USA

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