[Annelida] ID help

Charley Eiseman via annelida%40net.bio.net (by ceiseman from gmail.com)
Mon May 4 11:44:40 EST 2015

Hello all,

A friend just sent me the attached photo of a worm dug from a burrow in a
beach in Maine, USA.  Can anyone tell us what it is?


Charley Eiseman

Ecological services: www.charleyeiseman.com
Blog: bugtracks.wordpress.com
Book & natural history programs: www.northernnaturalists.com
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Name: Sand Worm, Ogunquit, Maine.JPG
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Url : http://www.bio.net/bionet/mm/annelida/attachments/20150504/70188c49/SandWormOgunquitMaine.jpeg

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