Repeat Re: [Annelida] new paper announcement

Geoff Read via annelida%40net.bio.net (by Geoffrey.Read from niwa.co.nz)
Mon May 4 16:51:31 EST 2015


Here is a 2nd try at Arne Nygren's message, which mutated in transit.
The journal is Marine Biology Research


Dear all, 

Just a short announcement that our paper, "A new species of Myrianida (Autolytinae, Syllidae, Annelida) from the North Sea, with short notes on the distribution and habitat
of Northeast Atlantic autolytines", with three illustrated keys to Autolytines in the Northeast Atlantic including the Mediterranean as supplementary information, is available
 on-line at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17451000.2015.1016971

If you are interested and do not have access feel free to contact either the first author Anna Dietrich at anna.dietrich from ifaoe.de or me for a pdf.

all best, Arne

Arne Nygren <arne.nygren from kultur.goteborg.se>

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