[Annelida] FW: [General_Topics] Swedish Polychaeta Aciculata

Lovell, Larry via annelida%40net.bio.net (by LLovell from lacsd.org)
Fri May 29 09:23:27 EST 2015

Dear Geoff and other wormers,

Use the link below that SCAMIT member Brian Gregory found as a work around for access to the new Swedish Polychaete reference by Nygren & Pleijel.  I downloaded it (< 5 minutes) today at work.

It is a very nice work with wonderful illustrations and pictures of our favorite phyla!!

Cheers, Larry

Larry Lovell,  President
Southern California Association of Marine Invertebrate Taxonomists
Visit our website:  www.scamit.org<http://www.scamit.org/>
(310) 830-2400 X-5613 (work)
(760) 803-1608 (mobile)

"What's the use in their having names," the Gnat said, "if they won't answer to them?"

"No use to them," said Alice:  "but it's useful to the people who name them, I suppose."

                                                                                 - Lewis Carroll,  Through the Looking Glass

From: General_Topics [mailto:general_topics-bounces from discussion.list.scamit.org] On Behalf Of Brian Gregory via General_Topics
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 11:49 AM
To: general_topics from discussion.list.scamit.org
Subject: Re: [General_Topics] Swedish Polychaeta Aciculata

The link in your email lead to a facebook page that didn't exist.  I got to it sort of round about at http://www.artdatabanken.se/media/2292/hogupp_havsborstmaskar.pdf
On 5/28/2015 11:40 AM, Leslie Harris via General_Topics wrote:

Something of interest for polychaete lovers from Arne Nygren:
This is an announcement that the polychaete pdf following the concept of the Encyclopedia of the Swedish Flora and Fau­na is published. The pdf can be downloaded free of charge following http://www.artdatabanken.se<http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.artdatabanken.se%2F&h=RAQF7_KUd&enc=AZPGR2WFocRq0z03H16M239IwO8QS2h-Pnn4x3FfZuHNCl07uoUTd5UX0AEOhK_YqLdPDQChAKfx5o_6L6__zcQBtLF2bawAUcAGMJTHfwfjtMhtYNFKrbHi8Bmq2vzckD6cjPeRBGb_clxYsXvJBXA03jC7DI01WxdeWnkk8bDRrw&s=1> choosing the link "Läs mer om nyckel till havsborstmaskar". On this page you can choose either a low or a high resolution pdf (the latter is highly recommended). The pdf covers all species of Swedish aciculate bristleworms (Polychaeta: Aciculata). Main text is in Swedish but identification keys in English are presented for all species. The pdf is richly illustrated with color photographs, as well as aquarelles and line drawings, making it well worth to download.

It's by Nygren & Pleijel.  The high-resolution version is 185 mb.  I'm (slowly) downloading it right now.  If anyone wants it & cannot personally download it just let me know.  I'll put it in a dropbox folder for easy access.



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