[Annelida] Job posting : Researcher in Functional Ecology at IFREMER

Stanislas DUBOIS via annelida%40net.bio.net (by Stanislas.Dubois from ifremer.fr)
Mon Nov 2 12:05:41 EST 2015

Dear Annelida-lovers,

Ifremer is seeking for a researcher in marine benthic functional 
ecology. Since our lab is interested in macrofauna species - and 
especially polychaetes - I thought I could give it a try and send the 
job offer to the Annelida Mailing List.

Online application at 

Please forward to people who might be interested,


Dr. Stanislas DUBOIS, HDR
Laboratoire DYNECO Ecologie Benthique
IFREMER - ZI de la Pointe du Diable - CS 10070
29280 Plouzané - FRANCE

Tel: (+33) 2 98 22 49 18
Mob: (+33) 6 83 07 70 28
Fax: (+33) 2 98 22 45 48

CV & publications: www.stanislasdubois.com


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