[Annelida] Dr Minoru Imajima

Sergio Salazar via annelida%40net.bio.net (by savs551216 from hotmail.com)
Sat Apr 2 17:23:31 EST 2016

Dear Waka and Japanese colleagues=2C

This is indeed a very sad news. Like many others=2C I have a deep appreciat=
ion of the many contributions Dr Imajima made throughout his impressively p=
roductive academic career.

Among many other relevant things his work had=2C his illustrations are so i=
mpressive and even intimidating=2C that there is no surprise many of us pre=
fer to use photographs instead=2C especially if there are no drawing capabi=

Rest in peace. Un abrazo fraterno=2C


> From: wsokoshi from tohoku.ac.jp
> To: annelida from magpie.bio.indiana.edu
> Date: Sat=2C 2 Apr 2016 15:18:14 +0900
> CC:=20
> Subject: [Annelida] Dr Minoru Imajima
> Dear all=2C
> It is our great regret to inform you sad news that Dr. Minoru Imajima pas=
sed away in the early morning of 13 March in Sayama City=2C his hometown. H=
e has been suffering cancer and has long been in the hospital. He was so en=
thusiastic about polychaete systematics and his passion made him bring his =
microscope to the hospital room and had continued his research and writing =
books until the very end. He just completed publishing the book =93Polychae=
te Part 4=94 (in Japanese) and we were happy to see it. Masanori=2C Dr. Mas=
anori Sato met him just one month ago=2C and he told me that he looked very=
 fine at that time and communicated about the old habitat conditions of one=
 species of Hediste. We all thank him for his great contributions to not on=
ly annelid world but also to systematic societies. We are sharing the pains=
 with his family and friends. We are so sorry for not telling you sooner.=20
> Waka and all the polychaetologists in Japan.
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