[Annelida] Paper request

Vinicius Miranda via annelida%40net.bio.net (by vinicius.ghostty from gmail.com)
Mon Apr 11 12:39:08 EST 2016

Dear all,

I'm looking for the original description of *Sthenelais pectinata *and
mathildae tulearensis  *both described by Thomassin in 1970 in the paper:
Contribution a l'étude des polychètes de la région de Tulear (S.W. de
Madagascar) II. quelques Aphroditidae des sables coralliens. Recueil des
Travaux de la Station Marine d'Endoume, Ser. Fasc. hors série suppl, 10:

Despite a series of papers from "Recueil des Travaux de la Station Marine
d'Endoume" are in BHL there aren't those release in 1970. I also tried to
contact but I have no lucky either.

Does anyone have a PDF (and could share with me) or know where I can find
it for download?


Vinicius Miranda

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