[Annelida] Untangling the Volcanic Earthworm Genome
Luís Cunha
via annelida%40net.bio.net
(by luisnevescunha from gmail.com)
Mon Apr 11 12:46:44 EST 2016
Dear Annelida colleagues,
We have taken an earthworm genome to the final round of the 2016 SMRT
Sequencing Grant Program “Explore your most interesting genome” supported
by PacBio.
The top five project finalists will be chosen during a voting campaign,
starting on the 11th of April. You can vote once per day up to the 1st of
May (please, bookmark the link if it makes it easier).
Vote at:
Personally, I do not agree with the votes counting system but is what it
takes for us to get an earthworm genome.
In the case of Pontoscolex genome is not the elected one, there will be a 2
nd stage where the project will go through a crowdsource funding campaign.
The *Pontoscolex corethrurus* lineage that we are proposing to sequence is
the one that became adapted to a very peculiar environment, a geothermal
field in the Azores Islands, literary living inside a volcanic crater. This
will be a unique opportunity to deliver a fascinating genome for the
scientific community and some insights into organismal adaptation to
extreme terrestrial environments.
See all the details, here:
Please, vote for the earthworm genome.
Crowdsource funding should start as soon as voting campaign finishes and we
welcome any donations!
Kind regards
Luis, Rafael, Dave, Pete and Sam
[image: photo]
Luis Cunha (MSc, PhD)
EMBRAPA Forestry & Cardiff University, School of Biological Sciences
Email: luisnevescunha from gmail.com
Website: http://biosi.subsite.cf.ac.uk/biosi/kille-morgan/the-team/luis-cunha/
Address: Cardiff University, School of Biological Sciences, Main Building,
Room 2.45, Cardiff, CF10 3AT
Brazilian address: Embrapa Florestas,Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa
Agropecuária (Embrapa), Estrada da Ribeira, Km. 111, Colombo/PR, CEP
834111-000, Brazil
Uk mobile: +447857241323
Brazilian mobile/whatsapp: +554187164554
Skype: luiscunhamx
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