Forwarded for Tatiana
From: Tatiana Steiner [mailto:tatims from]
Sent: Tuesday, 12 April 2016 6:18 a.m.
To: annelida-bounces from
Subject: Paper request - Zachs, 1923
Dear all,
Does anyone have a PDF or similar file of the article:
Zachs, I. 1923. Polychaeta of the Barents and White Seas. Trudy pervago vserossi iskogo s'ezda zoologov anatomov i gistolov Petrograd. [Proceedings of the first congress of the Russian Zoologists Anatomists and Histologists Petrograd], 1: 55-57.
We are searching the original description of Heteromastus filiformis laminariae.
I would be greatly appreciated for sending it to me.
Thank you very much.
Best wishes,
Tatiana Steiner
Departamento de Biologia Animal - Instituto de Biologia
UNICAMP - Campinas, SP