[Annelida] Looking for info on PhD thesis by Wolf (1976)

Sergio Salazar via annelida%40net.bio.net (by savs551216 from hotmail.com)
Thu Apr 14 17:51:14 EST 2016

Dear Sarah, Geoff and colleagues,

The publication concentrates in glycerids but the full document is a good review of many types of jaws among polychaetes (70 pages).

Victor Conde has just made the pdf for the full paper and sent it to Sarah. Anyone wishing to have it, please drop him a short message.

Best wishes,


> From: Geoffrey.Read from niwa.co.nz
> To: sarifa from hcmr.gr
> Subject: Re: [Annelida] Looking for info on PhD thesis by Wolf (1976)
> Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2016 22:36:24 +0000
> CC: annelida from magpie.bio.indiana.edu
> Hi Sarah,
> Someone has probably told you off list, or you may know already, but just to mention this below seems to be one publication resulting from the thesis. Probably the thesis is mentioned.
> Wolf, Gunther (1977). "Jaws of glycerids (Polychaeta) - their function and taxonomic value <ORIGINAL> Kieferorgane von Glyceriden (Polychaeta) - ihre funktion und ihr taxonomischer wert." Senckenbergiana maritima. 9(5/6): 261-283. 
> 	asfa: Glycerid jaws play an important role in prey capturing, especially as each of them is equipped with a venomous gland. In the present paper the anatomical and functional interrelationships between jaws, jaw-supports and venomous glands are analysed. In taxonomic and systematic literature jaws and ailerons are treated as diagnostic characters. Their suitability for this purpose, however, is not unobjected. To contribute to the elucidation of these questions additional data especially about the finer structures of the jaws are presented and discussed in this paper. These data have been evaluated from scanning-electron micrographs.  Glycera alba; Glycera rouxi; Glycera unicornis
> Cheers,
> Geoff
> ________________________________________
> From: annelida-bounces from oat.bio.indiana.edu <annelida-bounces from oat.bio.indiana.edu> on behalf of sarah faulwetter <sarifa from hcmr.gr>
> Sent: 14 April 2016 23:01
> To: annelida from magpie.bio.indiana.edu
> Subject: [Annelida] Looking for info on PhD thesis by Wolf (1976)
> Dear all,
> I am looking for the following publication but cannot find any further
> information on it. It does not seem to be listed in any of the German
> library catalogues, so I can't track it down through a library.
> Wolf, G. (1976) Bau und Funktion der Kieferorgane von Polychaeten. PhD
> thesis, University of Hamburg.
> Does anyone have a pdf of this or could tell me which taxa are covered?
> Best regards,
> Sarah
> --
> Sarah Faulwetter, PhD
> Hellenic Centre for Marine Research
> Thalassocosmos
> P.O. Box 2214
> 71003 Heraklion, Crete
> Greece
> +30 697 413 4864
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