RES: [Annelida] FW: Paper request - Zachs, 1923

Tatiana Steiner via annelida%40net.bio.net (by tatims from unicamp.br)
Fri Apr 15 08:48:17 EST 2016

Dear Geoff and all,


Geoff, yes, the 1923 mention looks like a nomen nudum.

Dear Vasily and Paulo Bonifácio, thank you ver much for sending the PDFs.

Dear Dr. Tzetlin, thank you very much, as well. 


Best wishes.



Depto. Biologia Animal – IB/UNICAMP

Campinas, SP, Brasil


De: Geoff Read [mailto:Geoffrey.Read from niwa.co.nz] 
Enviada em: terça-feira, 12 de abril de 2016 19:05
Para: 'annelida from net.bio.net' <annelida from magpie.bio.indiana.edu>; 'Tatiana
Steiner' <tatims from unicamp.br>
Assunto: RE: [Annelida] FW: Paper request - Zachs, 1923


Dear list,

The paper has been provided off list courtesy of Alexander Tzetlin.

If I may be permitted to comment - the 1923 mention looks like a nomen nudum
to me.  I will probably change the publication date to 1925 in WoRMS.



Dr Geoff Read

Marine Biologist


+64-4-386-0321 | +64-21-209-1748 | 301 Evans Bay Parade, Greta Point,
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-----Original Message-----
From: Vasily Radashevsky [mailto:radashevsky from gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, 12 April 2016 11:37 a.m.
To: Geoff Read <Geoffrey.Read from niwa.co.nz <mailto:Geoffrey.Read from niwa.co.nz>
>; 'annelida from net.bio.net' <annelida from magpie.bio.indiana.edu
<mailto:annelida from magpie.bio.indiana.edu> >; 'Tatiana Steiner'
<tatims from unicamp.br <mailto:tatims from unicamp.br> >
Subject: RE: [Annelida] FW: Paper request - Zachs, 1923

It is not exactly what was requested, but may be helpful as well:

Zachs, I.G. (1925) Nouvelles additions à la faune des Polychaeta du Murman.
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Russie, 1925, 1-3.


-----Original Message-----
From: annelida-bounces from oat.bio.indiana.edu
<mailto:annelida-bounces from oat.bio.indiana.edu> 
[mailto:annelida-bounces from oat.bio.indiana.edu] On Behalf Of Geoff Read
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 8:53 AM
To: annelida from net.bio.net <mailto:annelida from net.bio.net> 
Subject: [Annelida] FW: Paper request - Zachs, 1923

Forwarded for Tatiana

From: Tatiana Steiner [mailto:tatims from unicamp.br]
Sent: Tuesday, 12 April 2016 6:18 a.m.
To: annelida-bounces from oat.bio.indiana.edu
<mailto:annelida-bounces from oat.bio.indiana.edu> 
Subject: Paper request - Zachs, 1923

Dear all,

Does anyone have a PDF or similar file of the article:

Zachs, I. 1923. Polychaeta of the Barents and White Seas. Trudy pervago
vserossi iskogo s'ezda zoologov anatomov i gistolov Petrograd. [Proceedings
of the first congress of the Russian Zoologists Anatomists and Histologists
Petrograd], 1: 55-57.
We are searching the original description of Heteromastus filiformis

I would be greatly appreciated for sending it to me.

Thank you very much.

Best wishes,

Tatiana Steiner

Departamento de Biologia Animal - Instituto de Biologia

UNICAMP - Campinas, SP

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