[Annelida] Polychaete research newsletter

Andy Mackie via annelida%40net.bio.net (by Andy.Mackie from museumwales.ac.uk)
Thu Apr 28 13:02:40 EST 2016

Dear Adam, Geoff, Harry & Izwandy

I have sent you all a scan pdf of 'Polychaete Research 17’.  I have not
included it to Annelida as it is likely too large.  However, if any other
Polychaete Researchers wants it, please email me.

I can scan the others at a later date for those interested.

'Polychaete Research' was created and run by Chris Mettam of Cardiff
University and superseded the 'Polychaete Research Newsletter' [which had
an rather unfortunate acronym ;-)].  The later issues were certainly
available on the Cardiff University website, but the page no longer exists.

Chris has been retired for many years now, but I still see him from time
to time.  The last time, not too long ago, we went out in the field to
collect the acoel Symsagittifera roscoffensis.  Those visiting Cardiff in
August for the Poychaete Conference may well be able to have a chat with
him about worms and Polychaetre Research ...

All the very best


        12th International Polychaete Conference

Early-Bird Registration and Abstract Submission ends 30 April 2016

Dr Andrew S. Y. Mackie  F.L.S.
• Invertebrate Diversity Section Head,  Amgueddfa Cymru — National Museum
* Honorary Senior Lecturer, School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor University
* President, International Polychaetology Association

* ResearchGate (www.researchgate.net/profile/Andrew_Mackie3)

Department of Natural Sciences
Amgueddfa Cymru — National Museum Wales
Cathays Park  
Cardiff  CF10 3NP  
Wales, UK

Tel. +44 (0)29 20 573 311

Natural History Blog: http://www.museumwales.ac.uk/blog/?cat=1712

Cardiff Curator: https://twitter.com/CardiffCurator

12th International Polychaete Conference: https://twitter.com/ipc2016

Porcupine MNHS: https://twitter.com/porcupinemnhs

On 28/04/2016 13:22, "annelida-bounces from oat.bio.indiana.edu on behalf of
Izwandy Idris" <annelida-bounces from oat.bio.indiana.edu on behalf of
izwandy.idris from umt.edu.my> wrote:

>Just a suggestion, perhaps our president Andy or our colleagues in
>Cardiff Uni can prepare several copies of Polychaete research newsletter
>(I would like to have it if I can attend the conf) to be distributed
>during IPC in August. Last IPC in Sydney the organizer distributed copies
>of the first and 10th proceedings  and were gone in a flash.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Adam Jenkins" <adam.jenkins from ocean-ecology.com>
>To: Annelida from magpie.bio.indiana.edu
>Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 12:11:46 AM
>Subject: [Annelida] Polychaete research newsletter
>Hi, does anyone know if the polychaete research newsletter is available
>online anywhere? Have tried all the usual places (BHL etc.) Im looking for
>newsletter 17. In particular I'm looking for Bamber and Irvings article on
>"The differential growth of Sabellaria alveolata reefs at a power station
>Thanks for any help offered.
>*Adam Jenkins BSc*
>Benthic Taxonomist
>Annelida mailing list
>Post: Annelida from net.bio.net
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>"In this business, nobody ever says the final word: We must all be
>prepared to be corrected by future development; this is what science is
>all about" - Kristian Fauchald (1935-2015)
>Terima kasih, shukran, thank you, trimakassie, obregado, baie dankie,
>Dr. Izwandy Idris,
>Marine Biology Programme,
>School of Marine and Environmental Sciences,
>Universiti Malaysia Terengganu,
>21030 Kuala Nerus,
>Terengganu, MALAYSIA
>Phone: +6096683467
>Email: izwandy.idris from umt.edu.my/izwandy937 from gmail.com
>Annelida mailing list
>Post: Annelida from net.bio.net
>Help/archive: http://www.bio.net/biomail/listinfo/annelida
>Resources: http://www.annelida.net

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 Scanned by FuseMail.

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