[Annelida] Marine Annelida Course in Sep

Maria Capa via annelida%40net.bio.net (by maria.capa from ntnu.no)
Fri Apr 29 08:53:32 EST 2016

The Research School in Biosystematics - ForBio invites you to:
ForBio course: Marine Annelids in the Norwegian Sea

Time and place: Sep 4, 2016 - Sep 10, 2016, NTNU, Sletvik Field Station, Norway
Teachers: Natalya Budaeva (University Museum, Bergen), Maria Capa (Vitenskapsmuseet, NTNU, Trondheim), Christer Erséus (University of Gothenburg), Conrad Helm (Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology, Bergen), Arne Nygren (Sjöfartsmuseet Akvariet, Gothenburg), Torsten Struck (University of Oslo).

Course content
Annelida is a diverse group of animals, comprising about 20,000 species that inhabit practically all marine habitats, as well as many terrestrial and freshwater environments. Annelids have a long history dating back to the Cambrian but the placement of this group in the tree of life and its phylogeny still presents major challenges. Annelids are ecologically and economically important as ecosystem engineers, as indicators of environmental health, as invasive species and probably also as being arguably the most abundant metazoans in the deep sea. During this intensive course, we will combine collecting and lab work with the objective to learn as much as possible about the characteristics of the main annelid groups and the most common species in the Norwegian Sea. You will learn about different collection methods, fixation and preservation techniques for DNA/RNA extraction, microscopy methods and long term conservation. There will also be formal lectures where we will cover the most recent classifications based on molecular phylogenetic and phylogenomic studies. In the evenings, we will organize cocktail slideshows and group discussions on various topics (e.g. species delimitation, molecular and microscopic techniques, ontogeny and development, enigmatic annelids, etc.).

Learning targets
* Collection and laboratory techniques
* Identification training
* Acquaintance of knowledge about the Norwegian sea fauna
* Concise and updated knowledge on the latest phylogenetic hypotheses and other hot topics related to annelids

Credits: 3 ECTS
Level: PhD students, master students, researchers, consultants - with some experience in annelid taxonomy.
Maximum number of participants: 20.
Registration: http://www.forbio.uio.no/events/courses/2016/Annelid%20field%20course

Application deadline: August 15, 2016

Please find more information at: http://www.forbio.uio.no/events/courses/2016/Annelid%20field%20course

ForBio/Hugo and Maria

Maria Capa
Systematics and Evolution Group
NTNU University Museum
Norwegian University of Sciences and Technology
NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway


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