[Annelida] The last chance to contribute to Pat's party celebration

Elena Kupriyanova via annelida%40net.bio.net (by lena.kupriyanova from gmail.com)
Wed Aug 17 21:08:13 EST 2016

Dear all,

I was such a great pleasure to see most of you in Cardiff! Thanks again to
Andy and his wonderful team for organising the great conference.

Just a final reminder - tomorrow we are having Pat's birthday/retirement
party at the AM. I have collated your messages and will present them to Pat
along with a gift and a card from the AM colleagues. So, if any of you
haven't contributed, but would like to do so, here is your chance to do so.
So, please either send me messages for Pat along with photos, or just drop
a line to Pat tomorrow wishing her a happy birthday.

Again, please do not reply to the list, contact myself today or Pat
directly tomorrow.



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