Dear all,
The correct names for the museum where Langerhans deposited (part of?) his
material are in the German language: Naturhistorisches Museum Wien;
alternatively in English: Natural History Museum Vienna.
Be aware that many of the names have changed in the meantime.
Harry ten Hove
2016-08-26 12:10 GMT+02:00 Geoff Read <Geoffrey.Read from>:
> Hello all,
>> Well I found the list of Langerhans Madeira etc preparations in an old,
> very old, email from Mary Petersen (02 Nov 1994). As I understand the
> circumstances this is a transcription by Mary of a photocopy of the
> Naturisches Museum Wien register pages for ~1884, obtained by Phyllis
> Knight-Jones. It is said by Phyllis to be in Langerhans handwriting. The
> explanation detail is Mary's. Polycirrus triglandula is recorded there.
> Langerhans died young, in 1888, in Madeira.
>> Geoff
>> ============
> >From left to right, the following headings are used:
>> [Catalogue] No. - Probably = Langerhans' catalogue number
> Stuckzahl und Art der Conservering - Number of specimens and type of
> preservation; mikrosk. Praep. [here written mP] = slide; "n" probably =
> no slides
> Jahr der Aufstellung - Year received? This column has 1884, a roman
> numeral
> that goes at least up to XIV, thus not a month (perhaps something like
> an
> accession number), and a small arabic numeral, more or less in same
> sequence as catalogue numbers, but the system is not clear to me. The
> arabic numbers are sometimes reversed relative to the catalogue numbers;
> it seems like Langerhans attempted to list the specimens first and
> slides
> from these afterwards, which may be why the arabic numbers do not always
> follow the same sequence as catalogue numbers.
> Name - Genus species Author
> Fundort - Locality; Puerto = Puerto de la Orotava, on the N coast of
> Tenerife, Canary Islands
> Erhalten von (gesammelt von) - Received from (collected by)
> K/G/T - only a guess, but perhaps refers to storage (G, T - Glass or Tube)
> or
> exhibition container. G usually given for first entry on each page,
> probably applies to all unless indicated otherwise, but only included
> below when this is on same line as species treated.
> Special-Katalog Fol. - usually blank
> Abgang Fol. - seems to be date (and number of) specimens [St.] given away
>>> 3188; 1/n; 1884/iv/5; Lagisca aequespina Langerh., Madeira, Prof. Dr.
> Langerhans (both donor and collector, applies also to all of
> following)
>> 3200; 8/n; 1884/iv/17; Leonnates pusillus Langerh., Madeira
> 3202; 2/mP; 1884/iv/19; Ceratonereis brunnea Langerh., Madeira
> 3203; 2/mP; 1884/iv/20; Ceratonereis vittata Langerh., Madeira
> 3210; 15/n; 1884/iv/27; Lycoris funchalensis Langerh., Madeira - Abgang [?]
> 188 - 4 St. (date perhaps = 1888)
> 3216; 1/mP; 1884/iv/33; Diopatra madeirensis Langerh., Madeira
> 3217; 2/mP; 1884/iv/34; Hyalinoecia rubra Langerh., Madeira
> 3231; 1/mP; 1884/iv/48; Halla sulfurea Langerh., Madeira
> 3232; 2/mP; 1884/iv/49; Marphysa saxicola Langerh., Puerto
> 3243; 2/n; 1884/xiv/60; Phyllodoce madeirensis Langerh., Madeira
> 3244; 1/mP; 1884/xiv/61; " " "
> 3245; 2/mP; 1884/xiv/62; Phyllodoce Dohrnii Langerh., Madeira
> 3246; 3/n; 1884/xiv/63; Eulalia pulchra Langerh., Madeira
> 3247; 2/mP; 1884/xiv/64; " " "
> 3249; 1/mP; 1884/xiv/67; Eulalia notata Langerh., Madeira
> 3251; 1/mP; 1884/xiv/68; Notophyllum alatum Langerh., Madeira
> 3252; 1/mP; 1884/xiv/69; Notophyllum frontale Langerh., Madeira
> 3253; 1/mP; 1884/xiv/70; Mystides caeca Langerh., Madeira
> 3265; 5/n; 1884/xiv/82; Ehlersia rosea Langerh., Madeira
> 3266; 2/mP; 1884/xiv/83; " " "
> 3268; 4/mP; 1884/xiv/86; Ehlersia simplex Langerh., Madeira
> 3270; 1/mP; 1884/xiv/87; Ehlersia ferruginea Langerh., Puerto
> 3273; 3/n; 1884/xiv/90; Protosyllis brunnea Langerh., Madeira
> 3274; 2/mP; 1884/xiv/91; " " "
> 3275; 1/mP; 1884/xiv/92; Protosyllis viridis Langerh., Madeira
> 3277; 2/mP; 1884/xiv/94; Pionosyllis Weismanni Langerh., Madeira
> 3279; 1/mP; 1884/xiv/96; Apisthodonta morena Langerh., Madeira
> 3284; 6/n; 1884/xiv/101; Eusyllis kupfferi Langerh., Madeira
> 3285; 2/mP; 1884/xiv/102; " " "
> 3294; 1/mP; 1884/xiv/111; Grubea Arminis Langerh., Puerto
> 3296; 1/mP; 1884/xiv/113; Grubea ovigera Langerh., Madeira
> 3298; 1/mP; 1884/xiv/115; Paedophylax insignis Langerh., Madeira
> 3302; 2/mP; 1884/xiv/119; Autolytus quindecim-dentatus Langerh., Madeira
> 3310; 1/mP; 1884/xiv/127; Proceraea fasciata Langerh., Madeira
> 3311; 3/mP; 1884/xiv/128; Procerastea nematodes Langerh., Madeira
> 3312; 2/mP; 1884/xiv/129; Virchowia clavata Langerh., Madeira
> 3313; 1/mP; 1884/xiv/130; Typosyllis oblonga Langerh., Madeira
> 3314; 3/mP; 1884/xiv/131; Typosyllis pulvinata Langerh., Madeira
> 3316; 2/mP; 1884/xiv/133; Aricia acustica Langerh., Puerto
> 3319; 1/mP; 1884/xiv/135a; Spio atlanticus Langerh., Puerto
> 3322; 10/n; 1884/xiv/138: Polydora armata Langerh., Madeira - Abgang ?? ?3
> St.
> (Date and number of specimens given away or exchanged unclear)
>> 3323; 2/mP; 1884/xiv/139; Polydora armata Langerh., "
> 3325; 1/mP; 1884/xiv/141; Polydora hamata Langerh., Madeira, G
> 3330; 1/mP; 1884/xiv/146; Cirratulus viridis Langerh., Madeira
> 3331; 1/mP; 1884/xiv/147; Archidice glandularis Langerh., Madeira
> 3342; 1/mP; 1884/xiv/158; Branchiomaldane Vincentii Langerh., Puerto
> 3344: 1/mP; 1884/xiv/160; Axiothea cirrifera Langerh., Madeira
> 3346; 8/n; 1884/xiv/162; Ampharete minuta Langerh., Madeira, G
> 3347; 3/mP; 1884/xiv/163; " " "
> 3348; 1/mP; 1884/xiv/164; Amphitrite Orotave Langerh., Puerto
> 3355; 1/mP; 1884/xiv/171; Leaena Graffii Langerh., Madeira
> 3359; 7/n; 1884/xiv/175; Polycirrus triglandula Langerh., Madeira
> 3364; 2/mP; 1884/xiv/180; Potamilla socialis Langerh., Madeira
> 3365; 15/n; 1884/xiv/181; Potamilla incerta Langerh., Madeira - Abgang ?
> 3St.
>> 3366; 2/mP; 1884/xiv/182; " " "
> 3369; 1/mP; 1884/xiv/185; Potamilla rubra Langerh., Madeira, G
> 3370; 8?/n; 1884/xiv/186; Sabella variabilis Langerh., Madeira
> 3375; 1/mP; 1884/xiv/191; Chone arenicola Langerh., Madeira
> 3376; 8/n; 1884/xiv/192; Chone collaris Langerh., Madeira
> 3377; 2/mP; 1884/xiv/193; " " "
> 3778; 2/mP; 1884/xiv/194; Euchone rosea Langerh., Madeira
> 3782; 8/n; 1884/xiv/198; Leptochone violacea Langerh., Madeira
> 3783; 2/mP; 1884/xiv/199; " " "
> 3786; 2/n; 1884/xiv/202; Serpula concharum Langerh., Madeira (Roehren:
> tubes)
>> 3787; 1/mP; 1884/xiv/203; " " "
> 3795; 6/n; 1884/xiv/211; Vermilia spirorbis Langerh., Madeira (Roehren)
> 3796; 2/mP; 1884/xiv/212; " " "
> 3800; 6/n; 1884/xiv/216; Omphalopoma spinosa Langerh., Madeira (Roehren)
> 3801; 2/mP; 1884/xiv/217; " " "
> 3802; 1/mP; 1884/xiv/218; Omphalopoma cristata Langerh., Madeira
> 3803; 2/mP; 1884/xiv/219; Filogranula gracilis Langerh., Madeira
> 3813; 1/mP; 1884/xiv/228; Salmacina setosa Langerh., Madeira (Roehren)
> 3819; 1/mP; 1884/xiv/234; Polygordius Schneideri Langerh., Madeira
>> =============================
> ________________________________________
> From: annelida-bounces from <annelida-bounces from>> on behalf of Geoff Read <Geoffrey.Read from>
> Sent: 22 August 2016 23:03
> To: Jérôme
> Cc: annelida from> Subject: Re: [Annelida] Polycirrus triglandula Langerhans, 1880
>> Hello Jérôme
>> I don't know, but the types and slides of Langerhans that survived are
> supposedly mostly at Naturisches Museum Wien.
> In 1994 Phyllis Knight-Jones reported they were there. There is a list of
> the species found somewhere but I am not sure if I ever saw it. Someone
> else may have it. Also some slides of Langerhans were found at Zoological
> Institute of the University of Freiburg, Germany, but these were Syllidae
> only.
>> Geoff Read
> ________________________________________
> From: annelida-bounces from <annelida-bounces from>> on behalf of Jérôme <jjourde from>
> Sent: 22 August 2016 21:46
> To: annelida from> Subject: [Annelida] Polycirrus triglandula Langerhans, 1880
>> Dear all,
>> Do anybody knows if a type for /Polycirrus triglandula /Langerhans, 1880
> exist somewhere ?
>> Thank you
>> Jérôme
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