[Annelida] Keys to Caribbean Polychaeta

Edwin Cruz-Rivera via annelida%40net.bio.net (by edwin.cruzrivera from uvi.edu)
Mon Feb 1 13:15:24 EST 2016

Dear Colleagues,
                We are looking for keys to identify infaunal polychaetes from seagrass samples around the Virgin Islands.  Can anyone suggest a good review?  We have good lists of species from various surveys, but not good identification keys.  Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.  We are doing complete faunal surveys, and none of the researchers involved are annelid experts.

Dr. Edwin Cruz-Rivera
Visiting Associate Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
University of the Virgin Islands
#2 John Brewers Bay
St. Thomas 00802
Tel: 1-340-693-1235
Fax: 1-340-693-1385

"It is not the same to hear the devil as to see him coming your way"
(Puerto Rican proverb)

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