[Annelida] Polychaete in Lac Bonaire

Cindy Abgarian via annelida%40net.bio.net (by cgills from comcast.net)
Mon Feb 8 17:51:04 EST 2016

Curious as well. Photographed one of the same here in Grand Cayman last week

Cynthia Abgarian  
-------Original Message-------
From: Godfried van Moorsel
Date: 02/08/16 17:36:18
To: annelida from net.bio.net
Subject: [Annelida] Polychaete in Lac Bonaire
I'll try again, since my photo did not seem to get uploaded, but it may be
seen at this link <https://www.dropbox
com/s/ecxf1ocd6o8cro7/Mesochaetopterus%202181-07.jpg?dl=0> as well.
In the meantime Marco Faasse, even without seeing the photo, guessed it was
Mesochaetopterus and I find very similar photos on the web indeed.
Confirmation of the species is much appreciated.
Kind regards
Godfried van Moorsel
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