[Annelida] Material from Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea or adjacent waters

asmaa haris via annelida%40net.bio.net (by asmaa_haris222 from yahoo.com)
Fri Jul 1 06:05:14 EST 2016

Dear colleagues,I am asmaa haris. I am working at Damiettia university in Egypt and in the moment I am a visiting student at NHM of Oslo university in the group of Torsten Struck. I work with polychaetes from the Mediterranean sea, the Red sea and the area connecting them (Suez canal).I would appreciate your help in connection of my ongoing project entitled “DNA- barcoding of Egyptian polychaetes and it is commericial culture application”.

The problem is that for investigation of species widely distributed through Med. sea, Red sea and Eastern Africa and the Middle east I need a material from different locations in the areas. The material should be fixed in 70% alcohol or higher and perhaps stored in the fridge. I want to determine COI and ITS sequences to conduct phylogeographic studies. That’s why I will be most grateful for sending some material to me. Of course, I am interested and ready for co-operation. I can also collect some material in the Med. Sea if you are interested in it, when I am back in Egypt. The easiest way for transportation of the material could be just to take them to the IPC 12. Torsten will be there. Actually, I am interested in a number of species, but the material most interesting for me is:Lumbrineris fragilis - Oenone fulgida - Marphysa sangunea- Loimia medusa- Branchiomma nigromaculata

Thank you in advance, please do not hesitate to contact me.Best wishes,

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