[Annelida] Paper request

Vinicius da Rocha Miranda via annelida%40net.bio.net (by vinicius.ghostty from gmail.com)
Fri Jul 15 12:28:50 EST 2016

Dear all,

I'm looking for the paper which describes the scale worm /Pholoe 
chinensis/, available in: Wu Baoling,Zhao Jing,Ding Zhihu.A new 
meiofauna polychaeta /Pholoe/ (Polychaeta, Sigalionidae)from the 
Huanghai Sea (Yellow Sea).Acta Oceanologica Sinica,1994,13(1):129-132

Unfortunately the link for the Full Text on the journal is broken and I 
couldn't find a hard copy on Brazilian libraries. I'll appreciate so 
much if someone could share a PDF or information of where to get one.



Vinicius da Rocha Miranda
CRBio 96865/02
Cel.: +55(24) 981156646

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