[Annelida] Current state of Annelida Taxonomy

Elena Kupriyanova via annelida%40net.bio.net (by lena.kupriyanova from gmail.com)
Wed Mar 30 01:47:21 EST 2016

Dear friends and colleagues,

I received a request from a Dr Paul Humphries who teaches invertebrate
zoology at Charles Sturt University in Sydney. He is confused about
currently accepted classification of Annelida and is looking for some
suggestions what most recent review papers/books he should consult.

Here is what he says:

"I am interested in papers that review the taxonomy of the Annelida. Mainly
I would like to know about the Class and Order level, especially within the
Sedentaria, although the Errantia would be useful as well. Understanding
how leeches fit into the Clitellata would be great too.  At present, the
textbook that we use is confusing"

Obviously, I have my own list of favourites, but I would appreciate if you
share yours with me. I will collate all responses re what we collectively
think the annelid taxonomy look like.



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