[Annelida] 12th International Polychaete Conference (IPC12) - Registration and Abstract submission update & short extension

Andy Mackie via annelida%40net.bio.net (by Andy.Mackie from museumwales.ac.uk)
Mon May 2 10:29:57 EST 2016

From: IPC 2016 <IPC2016 from museumwales.ac.uk<mailto:IPC2016 from museumwales.ac.uk>>
Date: Monday, 2 May 2016 16:27
To: "annelida from net.bio.net<mailto:annelida from net.bio.net>" <annelida from net.bio.net<mailto:annelida from net.bio.net>>
Subject: 12th International Polychaete Conference (IPC12) - Registration and Abstract submission update & short extension

Dear All

There were large increases in registrations and abstract submissions last week - particularly on Friday and Saturday as the Early-Bird deadline approached. Thank you.

Inevitably, there were several  who experienced difficulty with completing their registrations.  These appear to be mainly related to problems with their credit cards.  In some cases the registrant may have to talk with their bank or card provider to sort this out. Others have resolved the situation by using a different card.

We have therefore extended the Early Bird and Abstract submission period to Friday 6 May 2016, to enable those involved to resolve their 'Early-Bird' registration attempts and/or submit their abstracts. Many countries (including the UK) have an official holiday at the start of May.

Those who have forgotten to register or submit an abstract may like to take advantage of this extension also


* Registrants can find full information (including an annotated screenshot guide to the online form at bottom of page) to the registration process at:  http://www.museumwales.ac.uk/ipc2016/Registration/
If necessary, we can issue an invoice for institutional payment.

* Abstracts can be submitted at:

* Don't forget to book your accommodation ... sooner rather than later.

Some accommodation options:
We recommend that those wishing budget ensuite rooms in Cardiff University's Colum Hall book without delay.

Other options include simple online searches - direct to hotel/guest house websites or via services provided by various booking facilitators.  It is worth searching around for the best prices. Sites such as the following may be useful.

Trip Advisor https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk<https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/><https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/><https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/>

Booking.com http://www.booking.com<http://www.booking.com/><http://www.booking.com/><http://www.booking.com/>

Trivago  http://www.trivago.co.uk<http://www.trivago.co.uk/><http://www.trivago.co.uk/><http://www.trivago.co.uk/>

Finally, email us if you require a letter of Invitation for the Conference, Pre-conference Workshop 'Philosophy of Biological Systematics' with Kirk Fitzhugh, or both

All good wishes

We look forward to welcoming you all to Cardiff for a great conference

The IPC12 Organising Committee

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