Dear earthworm friend,
The crowdfunding stage for the earthworm genome was launched yesterday. Unfortunately, Pontoscolex corethrurus did not win the SMRT grant (, although keeping the third place until the end is a good signal for the next 29 days of crowdsourced funding. Can you please check our project page. Any donation will be highly appreciated.
We have some surprises for the "backers" that will fund our project and we are now elaborating some more lab notes to inform the general public about the initiative, all can be followed on the project web page:
This will be the first complete, high-quality earthworm genome to be available and I am sure we can all benefit from the sequencing of this genome.
Thanking in advance for your attention and please feel free to suggest any may improve our outreach strategy and please spread the word.
Best wishes
Luis, Pete, Dave, Sam and Rafael
Luís Cunha (Msc, PhD)
CIRN, Departamento de Biologia Universidade dos Açores, Rua da Mãe de Deus, 13A Apartado 1422, 9501-855 Ponta Delgada, Açores, Portugal
Tel:00351296650102 (ext. 1775)
Fax: 00351296650100
Tlm: 00351913897557
E-mail: luisnevescunha from
Web page: