[Annelida] Serpulidae Identification and Non-Native Serpulidae in Europe Course

Emma Delduca via annelida%40net.bio.net (by emma.delduca from mesltd.co)
Mon May 16 10:13:38 EST 2016

Dear all,

We would like to announce that we will be hosting a course on Serpulidae Identification and Non-Native Serpulidae in Europe run by Dr Elena Kupriyanova at the Marine Ecological Surveys Laboratory in Bath, UK. Course dates are the 27th and 28th July 2016.  The course will involve lectures and microscope sessions covering all aspects of Serpulidae. Please see the attached flyer or http://mesltd.co/news/2016/05/serpulidae-identification-and-non-native-serpulida/ for more details.

Hope to see you in Bath.


Emma Delduca BSc FLS
Laboratory Manager / Senior Taxonomist

Marine Ecological Surveys Limited
3 Palace Yard Mews

Tel: +44(0)1225 44 22 11
Fax: +44(0)1225 44 44 11


Marine Ecological Surveys Ltd are part of the Gardline Group of Companies.

Registered Office:- 24a Monmouth Place, Bath BA1 2AY
Marine Ecological Surveys Ltd is registered in the UK No: 120710202
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