[Annelida] Augener 1926?

Wilson, Robin via annelida%40net.bio.net (by rwilson from museum.vic.gov.au)
Wed May 18 00:01:41 EST 2016

Dear colleagues

If anyone has a pdf of this I would be very grateful to receive a copy (and will upload same to WoRMS, presuming there are no copyright issues):

Augener, H. (1926). Ceylon-Polychaeten (Fauna et Anatomia ceylanica, IV, Nr. 2). Jenaische Zeitschrift für Wissenschaften 62, 435–472.

(archive.org and BHL have both digitised some volumes, but only from earlier years)

Many thanks, bye, Robin

Robin Wilson
Museum Victoria
GPO Box 666
Melbourne Victoria 3001
rwilson from museum.vic.gov.au<mailto:rwilson from museum.vic.gov.au>

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