Re: [Annelida] Ushakova and Yevdonin paper on Brania nervous system development‏

Hannah Schmidbaur via annelida%40net.bio.net (by a0968355 from unet.univie.ac.at)
Thu May 19 05:53:20 EST 2016

Dear everyone,

Alexander Tzetlin and Nadezda Rimskaya-Korsakova send me the paper 
Ushakova and Yevdonin paper on Brania ns development :) If anyone else 
needs it please let me know and I will forward you the pdf.

All the best

Dear Hannah?

please find  pdf file of the requested paper enclosed,

Alexander Tzetlin

2016-05-06 14:33 GMT+03:00 Hannah Schmidbaur 
<a0968355 from unet.univie.ac.at>:

     Hi everyone,

     For my master thesis on Syllid nervous systems I am looking for the 
following paper: Ushakova, O.O. and Yevdonin, L.A. (1987). Development 
of the nervous system in larval ontogenesis of Brania clavata 
(Nereimorpha: Syllidae). Zoologeskii Zurnal, 66, 1148-1161.

     Does anyone have a pdf of this paper or of the figures? Or can help 
me to find it?

     Best wishes from Vienna

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