[Annelida] FHL invertebrate course

Paulay,Gustav via annelida%40net.bio.net (by paulay from flmnh.ufl.edu)
Thu Jan 19 19:16:14 EST 2017

Dear All,

Please excuse the cross posting.  Peter Funch (U Aarhus) and I will be teaching the Marine Invertebrate course at Friday Harbor Labs this summer.  This is an intensive, upper undergrad/graduate "full-immersion" course that covers all animal phyla, using living representatives to study most of them.  The course runs June 12-July 14 at FHL, situated in the biodiverse Salish Sea.  Substantial financial aid is available.  See: http://depts.washington.edu/fhl/studentSummer2017.html for this and other courses offered at FHL this summer.

Cheers - Gustav

Gustav Paulay

Florida Museum of Natural History

University of Florida

Gainesville FL 32611-7800 USA

Email: paulay from flmnh.ufl.edu<mailto:paulay from flmnh.ufl.edu>

Phone: 1 (352) 273-1948

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