[Annelida] Sabellaria alveolata bioconstructions - help us report this species in EU

Stanislas DUBOIS via annelida%40net.bio.net (by Stanislas.Dubois from ifremer.fr)
Thu May 11 05:37:01 EST 2017

Dear polychaete lovers,

I just wanted to let you know that we recently started a European 
research program designed to map and understand the spatial distribution 
of Sabellaria alveolata reef habitats in Europe (the REEHAB project).

We have a website up and running (www.honeycombworms.com) with a 
description of the project (both in French and English).
A fun add-on to the website is that anyone can report occurrences of S. 
alveolata bioconstructions (using a semi-quantitative scale).


This will help us build past and present map of the distribution of this 
species and ultimately model its distribution. Even places were S. 
alveolata is NOT occurring is of importance.

Please, feel free to check the website and let us know if you know 
places with Sabellaria bioconstructions. If you enter coordinates, a map 
will be automaticaly generated.

In addition, we are seeking for grey litterature (even ancient reports!) 
that will be added to a database (with proper referencing) and will be 
added to generate maps ultimately available to everyone for free a the 
end of the project (2019).

So do not hesite to visit the website or to contact us directly for more 


Dr. Stanislas Dubois (HDR)
IFREMER Centre de Bretagne
Technopole Brest Iroise - CS10070
29280 Plouzané cedex - France
Phone: +33 298 224 918 / Cell: +33 683 077 028

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