I want to thank you all for your kind words, I really appreciate them a
I just think there was no luck. I hope that in one of my next samplings I
will be lucky enough to find a pelagosphera in my plankton net.
The net I use has a diameter of 25 cm and is 55 microns mesh.
Thank you very much for the pdf of Hannerz, it is a beautiful work, in a
few days I will have the opportunity to use his descriptions.
Agradezco tu ofrecimiento, pero, hace pocas semanas que conseguí el trabajo
de Rasmussen que ya he utilizado para identificar alguna larva.
Parece ser que el trabajo de Thorson, que hace tiempo que busco, no va ser
fácil de conseguir. No dudes que si llega a mis manos recordaré tu correo.
One of my goals in creating this website is that it can be really useful.
Therefore, it is for me a personal pride that the images are of your
interest and much more that you can use them.
If you want, I can send to your email the images you need in original size,
so you can see them with better resolution.
One more time, thank you all very much!
Greetings from Santander, Spain,
Rafael Martin-Ledo
2017-05-17 19:10 GMT+02:00 Rafael Martín-Ledo <rmartinledo from gmail.com>:
>> Greetings to all:
>>> I would like to present you my web dedicated to marine zooplankton. This
> site is dedicated to the taxonomic photographic documentation of coastal
> zooplankton of the North Atlantic Ocean.
>>>>>>https://marineplankton.net>>>>>>>> I sample in coastal areas where there are numerous larvae of annelids. To
> make correct identifications, I need to add some new references on annelids.
>>>> So, I wanted to ask if anyone has a pdf of the following papers:
>>>>>> · Bhaud, M. and C. Cazaux. 1987. Description and identification of
> polychaete larvae: their implications in current biological problems.
> Oceanis 13(6):596-753.
>>>> · Cazaux, C. 1968. Etude morphologique du devellopement larvaire
> d'annelides polychetes (Bassin d'Arcachon). Arch. Zool. exp. gen.
> 109:477-543.
>>>> · Hannerz, L., 1956. Larval development of the polychaete families
> Spionidae Sars, *Disomidae *Mesnil and Poecilochaetidae n. faro. in the
> Gullmar Fjord (Sweden). - Zool. Bidr. Uppsala *31, *1-204.
>>>> · Thorson, G. (1946). Reproduction and larval development of Danish
> marine bottom invertebrates, with special reference to the planktonic
> larvae in the Sound (Oresund). Medd. Komm. Dan. Fisk.-Havundersogelser.
> Ser. Plankton 4(1):1-523.
>>>>>> Please feel free to contact me if you have comments or questions about
> marineplankton.net
>>>> Best regards from Santander (Spain)
>>>> Rafael Martín-Ledo
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