[Annelida] wood-boring polychaetes

erica.keppel from ve.ismar.cnr.it via annelida%40net.bio.net (by erica.keppel from ve.ismar.cnr.it)
Thu May 25 09:47:16 EST 2017

Hi Simon,

In the wood like mangroves no, but Gambi has written on polychaetes boring
on Posidonia so I would not be surprise if you have discovered a species
boring on wood.

So far I know mollusks and Crustaceans boring on wood.

Best wishes

Erica Keppel, PhD

Italian National Research Council (CNR),
ISMAR Institute of Marine Sciences

Marine Invasion Research Laboratory
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
Edgewater, Maryland USA 21037

skypephone: ericakeppel
e-mail: keppele from si.edu
website: https://serc.si.edu/users/erica-keppel/keppele5292014

> Hello Everyone
> Does anyone know of polychaete species that bore into wood?
> Look forward to your responses
> Carol Simon
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