[Annelida] Philosophy of Biological Systematics course at Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels

Kirk Fitzhugh via annelida%40net.bio.net (by kfitzhugh from nhm.org)
Fri May 26 15:00:37 EST 2017


My course, /Philosophy of Biological //Systematics/, is being offered 
again at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, in 
October 2017. The deadline for registration is 1 June 2017. If you are 
interested in what is required for systematics to serve as a part of 
scientific inquiry and how to empirically judge the merits of some of 
the popular systematics methods, then this course will provide you an 
exciting and unique opportunity.

Additional information on the course and registration can be found at 


Kirk Fitzhugh

J. Kirk Fitzhugh, Ph.D.
Curator of Polychaetes
Invertebrate Zoology Section
Research & Collections Branch
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
900 Exposition Blvd
Los Angeles CA 90007
Phone: 213-763-3233
FAX: 213-746-2999
e-mail: kfitzhug from nhm.org

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