[Annelida] wood-boring polychaetes

Simon, CA, Dr <csimon from sun.ac.za> via annelida%40net.bio.net (by CSIMON from sun.ac.za)
Sun May 28 23:47:43 EST 2017

Dear Chiara and everyone else who responded

Thank you very much for all the information provided. It seems that for the=
 most part polychaete are probably  secondary colonisers and are not true b=
orders as are the many polydorid species.


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

-------- Original message --------
From: Chiara Romano <cromano from ceab.csic.es>
Date: 2017/05/26 21:47 (GMT+02:00)
To: Jos=E9 Eriberto Assis <eri.assis from gmail.com>
Cc: Geoff Read <Geoffrey.Read from niwa.co.nz>, "Annelida from magpie.bio.indiana.edu=
" <annelida from magpie.bio.indiana.edu>, "Simon, CA, Dr <csimon from sun.ac.za>" <CS=
IMON from sun.ac.za>
Subject: Re: [Annelida] wood-boring polychaetes

Hello all,

I agree with Geoff, we should distinguish between polychaetes that actively=
 burrow and secondary colonizers. I don=92t think I have ever encountered t=
he first ones.
However, I found various polychaetes that colonize the wood inside the burr=
ows created by other organisms, so always co-occurring with live or rest of=
 known wood-boring organisms (e.g. bivalves xylophagaids).
For what I am aware, Sclerolinum Siboglinidae was originally described from=
 wood and was recently found co-occurring with Xylophaga
Dear Magdalena Georgieva is this the publication you were speaking about?

Dear Erica Keppel thank you for the citation of Gambi about Eunicidae borin=
g in Posidonia and others seagrases (I did not know that)

Best regards,

Chiara Romano, PhD
Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow
Marine Invertebrate Phylogenetics Lab
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
8750 Biological Grade
Hubbs Hall
La Jolla, CA  92037 USA.
e.mail: chromano from ucsd.edu<mailto:chromano from ucsd.edu>


Centre d=92Estudis Avancats de Blanes (CEAB - CSIC)
Carrer d'acces a la Cala Sant Francesc 14
17300 Blanes (Girona), Spain.
e.mail: cromano from ceab.csic.es<mailto:cromano from ceab.csic.es>

Il giorno 26 mag 2017, alle ore 12:44, Chiara Romano <chromano from ucsd.edu<mai=
lto:chromano from ucsd.edu>> ha scritto:

Hello all,

I agree with Geoff, we should distinguish between polychaetes that actively=
 burrow and secondary colonizers. I don=92t think I have ever encountered t=
he first ones.
I found various polychaetes that colonize the wood inside the burrows creat=
ed by other organisms, so always co-occurring with live or rest of known wo=
od-boring organisms (e.g. bivalves xylophagaids).
For what I am aware, Sclerolinum Siboglinidae was originally described from=
 wood and was recently found co-occurring with Xylophaga
Dear Magdalena Georgieva is this the publication you were speaking about?

Dear Erica Keppel thank you for the citation of Gambi about Eunicidae borin=
g in Posidonia and others seagrases (I did not know that)

Best regards,

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