Dear Annelideans!
I wish to share with you a new paper published in *Russian Journal of
Marine Biology* as Open Access:
Dnestrovskaya N. Yu. *Nephtys yuryi* sp. n. (Annelida: Nephtyidae): a New
Species from the Northwest Atlantic. *Russian Journal of Marine Biology,
2017, Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 255–263. *
DOI: 10.1134/S1063074017040034
A new species of nephtyid polychaete habiting from the sublittoral to the
continental slope (depth 14–500 m) of the Northwest Atlantic is described.
The most significant characters of adults are: interramal parts of the
preacicular lobes are wrapped around the acicular lobes; interramal parts
of the neuropodial postacicular lobes and interramal parts of the
postacicular rows of neurochaetae wrapped around the acicular and
preacicular lobes; interramal parts of the postacicular rows of notochaetae
wrapped around the acicular and preacicular lobes and covered by the bases
of the notopodial cirri. Comparison with other species of the genus is
Nataliya Dnestrovskaya
Senior Researcher
Dept of Hydrobiology
Moscow State University