Due to Hurricane Irma, the Florida Association of Benthologists fall taxonomic workshop on the Syllidae with Dr. Guillermo San Martin scheduled for September 19-22 in Tampa has been postponed to a later date. I will send out an announcement once we determine a new date for the workshop. Tampa only received minor damage from the storm but many people and businesses are still without electricity here. Unfortunately many parts of our state and across the Caribbean were completely devastated by the hurricane and our thoughts and prayers go out to them.
Thank you,
Dave Karlen
David J. Karlen, Ph.D.
Chief Environmental Scientist
Water Management Division
Environmental Protection Commission of Hillsborough County
3629 Queen Palm Drive
Tampa, FL 33619-1309
Phone: (813) 627-2600 x1202
email: karlen from
EPCHC Mission:
To protect our natural resources and quality of life for the citizens of Hillsborough County