[Annelida] RE: Seeking Bobretzky 1870

Geoff Read via annelida%40net.bio.net (by Geoffrey.Read from niwa.co.nz)
Mon Sep 18 02:47:28 EST 2017

Hi all,

There are three hard-to-obtain Bobretzky papers from 1868 and 1870 now available online as pdf from WoRMS (and NOWHERE ELSE).  Again many thanks to the people who helped, including Linda Ward who had a copy of the 1870 plates.  Now the 1868 paper is excellent quality as a scan, while the two 1870 papers are quite readable to the human eye, but the computer OCR struggled with them and the results will be erratic when copied.  I've listed below the species names included, and if you go to the source links at WoRMS you will see the direct links to those names which are recorded as new taxa, etc,  in WoRMS.

(1) Bobretzky, N. 1868. [Bristle worms (Annulata Chaetopoda) Bay of Sebastopol] [In Russian]. Verhandlunger der Naturforschender Versammlung, St. Petersburg. Zoologie [1868]: 137-160, plates 1-2.	

If anyone can provide the title in Cyrillic script of the Russian journal this work is in then that would be helpful. Also I couldn't get a clean copy of the article title in Cyrillic script.

Species included: Sigalium ocellatum n.sp. p.140 (fig. 1-5) Lysidice ninetta Audouin & Edwards, p.142 (fig 6--12) Heteronereis maculata n.sp. p.144 (fig. 13-22) Heteronerels crenaticirra n.sp. p.147 (fig. 23-30) Heteronereis bipartita n.sp. p.148 (fig. 31-36) Phyllodoce tuberculata n.sp. p.150 (fig. 37-40) Eulalia virens Ehlers, p.152 Eulalia flavescens n. sp. p.153 (fig. 41-43). Eteone striata n.sp. p.154 (fig. 44-46) Cirratulus cincinnatus n.sp. p.155 (fig. 47-49) Terebellides (Corephorus) carnea n.sp. p.156 (fig. 50-52) Polycirrus jubatus n.sp. p.158 (fig. 53-54)  [note that P. jubatus authorship in Hartman and other places as "Bobretzky in Annenkova, 1924" is quite incorrect - Annenkova-Chlopina (1924: 126) has just a (repeated?) record of the species].

(2) Bobretzky, N. 1870. [Materials to the fauna of the Black Sea (Annelida Polychaeta)]. [Original] Матерiалы для фауны чернаго моря Аннелиды (Annelida, Polychaeta) / Materialy dlya fauny Chernogo morya (Annelida, Polychaeta)  Zapiski Kievskago obshchestva estestvoispytateleĭ 1: 188-274, plates 9-12. 	

Species included: Polynoe granulosa Rathke, p.189 (fig. 1-4), Polynoe scolopendrina Savigny, p.193 (fig. 5-8), Pholoe ocellata [originally Sigalion ocellatum Bobretzky], p.195, Eunice vittata delle Chiaje p.197 (fig. 21-23), Lysidice ninetta Audouin & Edwards, p.200, Staurocephalus rubrovittatus Grube, p.201, Nereis dumerilii Audouin & Edwards, p.201 (fig. 26-30) heteronereid, Nereis cultrifera Grube, p.206, Nereis cylindrata Ehlers, p.207 (fig. 31-38), Nereis falsa Quatrefages, p.210 (Lycoris pulsatoria? included as tentative synonym) (fig. 24-25), Nephthys hombergi Audouin & Edwards, p.211, Rhynchobolus minutus n.sp. p.212 (fig. 13-17), (Rhynchobolus Claparede) Rhynchobolus convolutus Claparede, p.215, Syllis nigrans n.sp. p.215-225 (10 pages!) (fig. 39-45), Syllis velox n.sp. p.225 (fig. 46-48), Syllis mixtosetosa n.sp. p.227 (fig. 49-50), Syllis oligochaeta n.sp. p.229 (fig. 51-52), Trypanosyllis krohnii Claparede, p.230, Grubea tenuicirrhata Claparede, p.231, Syllides pulliger Claparede, p.233, Paedophylax levis n.sp. p.234 (fig. 54-57), Microphthalmus fragilis n.sp. p.239 (fig. 10, 12), Microphthalmus similis n.sp. (fig. 9, 11), Eteone armata Claparede, p.242, Phyllodoce tuberculata Bobretzky (name only) p.242, Eulalia (Eumida) virens Ehlers, p.243, Eulalia (Eumida) pallida Claparede, p.243, Eulalia (Pterocirrhus) macroceros, p.244 (fig. 18, 20), Audouinia filigera Claparede, p.246 (includes Cirratulus cincinnatus Bobretzky), Capitella capitata van Beneden, p.247, Polyophthalmus pictus Quatrefages, p.247, Arenicola branchialis Audouin & Edwards, p.248, Aricia capsulifera n.sp. p.248 (fig. 64-67), Spio laevicornis Rathke, p.249 (fig. 68-73), Spio decoratus n.sp. p.256 (fig. 74-77), Centrocorone taurica Grube, p.257 (fig. 59-63), Terebella gracilis Grube, p264 (fig. 58), Terebellides carnea Bobretzky, p.266 (record repeated?), Polycirrus jubatus Bobretzky, p.266, Fabricia sabella Grube, p.267, Pomatoceros triquetroides Claparede, p.267, Pileolaria militaris Claparede, p.268, Spirorbis pusilla Rathke, p.269.

(3) Bobretzky, N. 1870. [Report of zoological researches conducted at the shore of the Black Sea in Summer 1869] [Original] Отчетh о зоологическихъ изслбдованiяхъ, произведенныхъ на берегу чернаго моря льтомъ 1869 года. Zapiski Kievskago obshchestva estestvoispytateleĭ 1: 1-18

This work is introductory to the one above. It has some historical background, a list of species, polychaete names in the text, but no new taxonomy that I could readily see.  In the Hartman (1951) bibliography (and in some later bibliographies in papers) it is bundled with the one above, but actually it is a distinct separate work.

Cheers & enjoy, but let me know of any errors.

Geoff Read

-----Original Message-----
From: annelida-bounces from oat.bio.indiana.edu [mailto:annelida-bounces from oat.bio.indiana.edu] On Behalf Of Geoff Read
Sent: Wednesday, 13 September 2017 4:01 p.m.
To: annelida from net.bio.net <annelida from magpie.bio.indiana.edu>
Subject: [Annelida] RE: Seeking Bobretzky 1870

Hi all,

An update on progress with seeking Bobretzky.  Many thanks to Nataliya Dnestrovskaya for supplying the two 1870 papers, and also to Jim Blake for a hard-to-get 1868 Bobretzky paper "The Chaetopoda of the Bay of Sebastopol" which will be very useful in conjunction with the 1870 paper.  Great work by both. I will make these pdf available soon, with further details on the taxa included. However, we still lack the plates 9-12 from the long 1870 article if anyone has access to them. Paulo Bonifacio supplied an extract he had for the two spionids described, which included plate 12, so the plates were published.


Geoff Read

-----Original Message-----
From: annelida-bounces from oat.bio.indiana.edu [mailto:annelida-bounces from oat.bio.indiana.edu] On Behalf Of Geoff Read
Sent: Friday, 8 September 2017 10:46 a.m.
To: annelida from net.bio.net <annelida from magpie.bio.indiana.edu>
Subject: [Annelida] Seeking Bobretzky 1870

Hi all,

I have exhausted all options for obtaining Bobretzky 1870.  Can anyone supply a copy?

The best source online for the journal is the Haithi Trust but they lack volume 1, and I cannot see any library which has volume 1, nor can our librarian locate it through her contacts.
I am sure libraries in Russia must have it, and am hoping one or two people on the list might already have a photocopy to scan or be able to scan from the journal.

Bobretzky, N. 1870. Materialy dlya fauny Chernogo morya (Annelida, Polychaeta) [Materials to the fauna of the Black Sea (Annelida Polychaeta)]. .
Zapiski Kievskago obshchestva estestvoispytateleĭ 1: 1-26 and 188-274, plates 9-12

The journal is also known as Mémoires de la Société des natualistes de Kiev.

Bobretzky (1870)  has 12 new names. Unfortunately it is impossible to verify the details for WoRMS until we have obtained this article.

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