[Annelida] Rullier 1972, Nouvelle-Calédonie polychaetes available

Geoff Read via annelida%40net.bio.net (by Geoffrey.Read from niwa.co.nz)
Tue Sep 19 21:49:20 EST 2017

Hi all,

Thanks to the generosity of Linda Ward and Andy Mackie we now have a digitization of Rullier's New Caledonia expedition report available.

There are three versions available in my Google drive share:  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B4fZp-1MYVhhMzNpRElPb1BCejA?usp=sharing

The smallest is 13 Mb, but not OCR recognized and you will have to do a rotate of the pages to read (easy, but bloats the file size if you save it)
The next smallest is 15 Mb, and OCR recognized but is slightly visibly degraded in quality.
The best version is 81 Mb.  Direct link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4fZp-1MYVhhdTRvaklRcGN1Q2M

Many thanks to Andy and Linda.

A translation of part of the introduction:

"B. SALVAT and Y. PLESSIS, on mission to New Caledonia, under the aegis of the Singer Polignac Foundation, at the end of 1961 and at the beginning of 1962, collected many specimens of Polychaete. The research was carried out in an autonomous diving suit between 2 and 35 meters depth, [also] by collecting at low tide in the intertidal zone, and only once by dredging. Y. PLESSIS reported on the zoological surveys in Volume IV of the Cahiers du Pacifique and B. SALVAT in "Faunistic prospecting in New Caledonia", within the framework of the mission of studies of the coral reefs , No. 6, June 1964, pp. 77-19), cites the principal stations visited and the techniques employed." [...]"  "This collection includes 187 species, of which 103 are new for New Caledonia and 18 (one from the Gulf of Panama) are new to science."

The link to the report (and pdf for editors) at WoRMS: http://www.marinespecies.org/polychaeta/aphia.php?p=sourcedetails&id=51631

I must work on other things and have not checked if the WoRMS species records links are complete.  Let me know privately if anything needs fixing.



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