[Annelida] Eunice schemacephala cubana Rioja

Geoff Read via annelida%40net.bio.net (by Geoffrey.Read from niwa.co.nz)
Tue Sep 26 02:00:07 EST 2017

Hi folks,

Simple request for information, especially for those in the neighborhood of the greater Caribbean.

WoRMS has a record for 'Eunice schemacephala cubana Rioja, 1958' (also one as E schemcephala cubana).  I suspect these constructions are databasing errors that do not exist in the real world, but would be happy to be told the opposite.  Please let me know if you have found a 'cubana' Eunice subspecies documented anywhere, or know how this name might have been created and got into WoRMS.

WoRMS entry: http://www.marinespecies.org/polychaeta/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=340865

I have checked Rioja 1958 (number XXII in the Estudios anelidologicos series) which has a  Eunice schemacephala Schmarda description, but there is no sign of a 'cubana' subspecies. I cannot find a 'cubana' eunicid outside of WoRMS or derivatives of WoRMS.

This is not worth much of your time, but if anything comes to mind let me know.



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