Could you please post the following PhD position? Thank you. Messages
starts after the line.
The lab of Dr. Néva Meyer at Clark University (http://wordpress.clarku.edu/n
meyer/) is looking for a PhD student to study annelid central nervous
system development with the goal of gaining a better understanding of how
nervous systems evolved. Research will be carried out on the annelid *Capitella
teleta*, but can be expanded to include other spiralians. The molecular
mechanisms underlying annelid and spiralian development are not well
understood and multiple features including the spiral cleavage program make
spiralians a great group of animals to study evolution of animal body
plans. Furthermore, the research community that studies evolution of
spiralian body plans is small but rapidly growing and is very welcoming and
collaborative. Potential research topics in our lab include investigation
of the molecular control of neural fate specification. We have a stable lab
colony of Capitella teleta. Techniques used in the lab include
microinjection of embryos, qRT-PCR, immunohistochemistry, imaging of live
and fixed tissue, quantification of phenotypes using ImageJ, and gene
knockdown and misexpression by injection of morpholinos and mRNA.
Students are encouraged to develop a project that matches their learning
and career objectives and will enter Clark University's Biology PhD
program. Previous experience in molecular biology and/or working with
marine larvae is desirable. PhD students will be guaranteed funding for
five years, with a possible extension through teaching and research
assistantships. A start date of September 2018 is preferable.
Clark University is a small liberal arts research university located in
Worcester, MA. Worcester has a nice combination of urban and outdoor
activities and is in close proximity to a variety of New England
Please email a brief description of why you are interested in the position
and a CV to: nmeyer from clarku.edu
Néva P. Meyer, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Clark University
Department of Biology
950 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01610
Allan Carrillo-Baltodano
"no one could write truthfully about the sea and leave out the poetry"
Rachel Carson