[Annelida] anybody able to help
James Blake
via annelida%40net.bio.net
(by jablake9 from gmail.com)
Thu Jan 3 12:31:55 EST 2019
Hi Pat,
During my days at the Pacific Marine Station in the 1970s, one of my
graduate students was interested in finding a suitable vital stain that
would be retained long enough to trace individual starfish (Patiria
miniata) larvae throughout their larval development from egg to
metamorphosis. He was also interested in releasing stained larvae into the
intakes of power plants for recapture at the outfall to assess potential
impacts of heat exposure on survival. Two stains, Nile Blue Sulfate and
Neutral Red were found to be retained the longest (ca. 35 days) to locate
larvae of certain batches. I also used these stains and another, Janus
Green B, in my own work with polychaete larvae. The aim of these
experiments was to be able to relocate larvae examined at earlier stages in
their development in order to assess patterns and rates of growth. The
stains did not appear to adversely affect survival.
On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 1:27 AM Pat Hutchings <Pat.Hutchings from austmus.gov.au>
> Hi folks
> a colleague of mine has asked me if I know any such stains
> "My colleague has asked me the following question, as I am having very
> poor luck in a literature search for mark-recapture methods for marine
> worms. There is an emerging field of work on chemical tracers and stains
> for the mark-recapture technique, particularly for calcifiers like crabs
> and molluscs (e.g. using Calcein). Do you know of any people/papers that
> had success staining worms for recapture and/or successful alternative
> methods?"
> I had to confess that I had no knowledge of such a stain
> anyhow if anybody knows - of such stains please can they let me know
> thanks Pat
> Dr Pat Hutchings
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James A. Blake, Ph.D.
Aquatic Research & Consulting
24 Hitty Tom Road
Duxbury, MA 02332
CELL: 508-277-2760
E-Mail: jablake9 from gmail.com
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