[Annelida] New paper about a polychaete collected with octopus

Naoto Jimi via annelida%40net.bio.net (by beniimo7010 from gmail.com)
Tue Jan 15 22:21:01 EST 2019

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to share our new paper.

Jimi N, Moritaki T & Kajihara H (2019) Polychaete meets octopus:
symbiotic relationship between Spathochaeta octopodis gen. et sp. nov.
(Annelida: Chrysopetalidae) and Octopus sp. (Mollusca: Octopodidae).
Systematics and Biodiversity (online first)

You can download the PDF file from the link (50 people only)

If you cannot use the link, please let me know.

Thank you,
Best wishes,



Naoto Jimi
Hokkaido University
Department of Natural History Sciences
3rd doctoral course student

自見 直人
北海道大学大学院理学院 多様性生物講座I


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