postdoc- Honey bee genomics/immunity/expression

Jay Evans evansj at ba.ars.usda.gov
Mon Nov 5 10:38:58 EST 2001

We have funding for a post-doc interested in genomic approaches to study disease resistance and larval development in honey bees.  Goal is to identify genes expressed by larval honey bees in response to bacterial pathogens, using subtractive and/or normalized cDNA libraries, as well as by screening with Drosophila orthologs.  Candidate clones will be screened for function and for variable expression across honey bee genotypes and ages.  Results will be integrated into an emerging functional-genomics view of honey bee development.  Project has laboratory, field, and informatics/comparative evolution components.  Sequencing, microarray and computing facilities are available.

Candidates must have a recent Ph.D. in Genetics or related field.  Knowledge of molecular-genetic techniques and computational and database skills required.  Knowledge of comparative genomics, social insect biology and insect immunity are desirable. This is a 2-year, full-time position, available immediately.  There are some citizenship restrictions.  Salary is $44,352 - $69,099, commensurate with experience, plus benefits.  

Please contact Dr. Jay Evans at 301-504-5143, fax 301-504-8736, e-mail: evansj at ba.ars.usda.gov for information, and send applications (CV and list of thre references) to Jay Evans by email or at: USDA-ARS, Bee Research Laboratory,  Bldg. 476, Beltsville, MD 20705.  USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

related papers:

Evans, J. D., and Wheeler, D. E. (1999). "Differential gene expression between developing queens and workers in the honey bee, Apis mellifera." Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (USA), 96, 5575-5580.

Evans, J. D., and Wheeler, D. E. (2000). "Expression profiles during the honey bee caste program." Genome Biology, 2(1)1-6.

Evans, J. D., and Wheeler, D. E. (2001). "Gene expression and the evolution of insect polyphenisms." BioEssays, 23(1), 62-68.

Evans, J. D. (in press) "Gene-expression approach to larval health and development in honey bees", in Moritz, R.F.A., ed., Molecular mechanisms of disease tolerance in honey bees, 5 pp.

 Jay D. Evans
Bee Research Lab/USDA-ARS
BARC-East Bldg. 476
Beltsville, MD 20705  USA
FAX 301-504-8736


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