CFP: Learning Graphical Models for Computational Genomics

Roby Joehanes tempacctks at lycos.com
Fri Feb 7 04:08:51 EST 2003

Third CFP: IJCAI-2003 Workshop -- Learning Graphical Models for
Computational Genomics
Saturday, 9 August 2003
Acapulco, Mexico

Recent advances in experimental tools for computational genomics have
led to sharp growth in data resources for bioinformatics problems
such as modeling of gene expression and gene-protein interaction.
This provides an interesting application domain for intelligent
systems that learn graphical models from data for causal modeling,
time series simulation and prediction, and classification and
regression problems in computational life sciences.

In response, we propose a workshop to bring together researchers in
intelligent systems who are interested in:
* probabilistic reasoning and learning with the primary focus of:
- learning the structure of graphical models from data,
- new graphical models such as types of dynamic Bayesian networks,
stochastic and other approximation algorithms for inference,
- structure learning;
* constraint-based knowledge representation;
* parameter estimation on graphical models and dynamical systems.


Active research topics that are relevant to learning graphical
models for computational genomics include:
* functional genomics, which includes:
- modeling of gene regulatory dynamics,
- data mining from DNA hybridization microarrays,
- other gene modeling tools such as northern blots;
* building simulation models for metabolomics on:
- biochemical pathways,
- environmental stress-response,
- cellular process regulation;
* proteomics, such as:
- secondary and tertiary fold prediction
- gene-protein interaction;
* other contemporary bioinformatics problems, such as:
- intelligent systems for pharmacology,
- plant science and crop simulation,
- decision support systems for human and veterinary medicine,
- phylogenetic modeling.


The one day workshop will include one or more invited talks and
specialized tutorials on state-of-the-art research problems and
methodologies, presentations by selected participants, and a panel
and open discussion on key topics.


This workshop is intended for researchers and practitioners in the
area of bioinformatics and uncertain reasoning using graphical models
for computational genomics.

Researchers with an interest in machine learning, medical
informatics, microbiology, biophysics, and knowledge discovery in
databases (KDD) will also find this workshop of interest.

---Paper Submissions

Participants are encouraged to submit papers (up to 8 pages in
length) on recent and continuing research, formatted according to
IJCAI guidelines. Experimental results are also encouraged,
especially on fielded applications, even if they are only
preliminary. Papers should be submitted electronically in Postscipt,
PDF, MS Word format via e-mail.

To encourage participation but focus discussions on key topics, we
also invite 2-page research synopses and position papers from
attendants who do not submit full papers.

Each submission shall be accompanied by a short statement, up to 500
words or one page in length from each participants. This should
describe your interest in and perspectives on this workshop topic.

DUAL SUBMISSION POLICY: Submission of short (2-page OR 6-8 page)
synopses of articles currently in preparation, under review, or
accepted for publication as journals or book chapters is permitted.
Submission of full-length papers currently under review for other
conferences and workshops is also permitted. However, these papers
shall be published in the working notes for this workshop if and
only if they are compliant with the dual-submission guidelines of
the other conference or workshop.

Please consult the workshop web page for formatting instructions.

All submissions should be sent to:
(Please replace "(AT)" with the appropriate symbol.)

---Important Dates

Mar 01, 2003 Submission deadline
Mar 21, 2003 Acceptance notification
May 16, 2003 Camera-ready version of papers

---Organizing Chairs

William H. Hsu (primary contact)
Department of Computing and Information Sciences
Kansas State University
234 Nichols Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-2302
t: (785) 532-6350 ext. 29
f: (785) 539-7180
e: bhsu-AT-cis.ksu.edu
w: http://www.cis.ksu.edu/~bhsu

Roby Joehanes (primary contact)
Department of Computing and Information Sciences
Kansas State University
234 Nichols Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-2302
t: (785) 532-6350 ext. 55
f: (785) 537-9927
e: robbyjo-AT-cis.ksu.edu
w: http://www.cis.ksu.edu/~robbyjo

C. David Page, Jr.
Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics (Medical School)
and Department of Computer Sciences
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Medical Science Center, Room 6743
1300 University Avenue
Madison, WI 53706
t: (608) 265-6168
f: (608) 263-0415
e: page-AT-biostat.wisc.edu
w: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~dpage

---Program Committee

- Mark Craven, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Dan Geiger, Technion, Israel
- David Gilbert, University of Glasgow
- Haipeng Guo, Kansas State University
- Lei Liu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Irene Ong, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Jude Shavlik, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Stephen M Welch, Kansas State University

---Additional information

Please consult the following web page:
for more information.

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