[Arthropod] Arthropod genomes in progress?

Don Gilbert via arthropod%40net.bio.net (by gilbertd from cricket.bio.indiana.edu)
Thu Dec 10 09:46:34 EST 2009

Here is some more news on coming arthropod genomes.

Nicole Gerardo says that there are ant genomes in progress,
in her collaboration and others:
- fungus-growing ants and their associated microbes. 
  draft assembly of Atta cephalotes, a leaf cutter ant
  some data from harvester ants and argentine ants. 
- The fire ant is also being sequenced.
..it seems like multiple ant genome drafts could be available 
within a year.  Maybe Yannick would find one of these help
with EST/RNA-seq analyses, and vice versa (having many
transcripts to analyze your draft genome is a good idea).

Meg Allen says a group is organizing to sequence Diabrotica (corn
rootworm), see the ESA symposium Tuesday in Indianapolis
Convention Center, room 109-110.

Meg also reminds us that the Entomological Society meeting this
weekend/next week in Indianapolis is a good place to pick up such
information.  Ie, see last month's post
or http://www.entsoc.org/am/cm/index.htm

- Don Gilbert
-- d.gilbert--bioinformatics--indiana-u--bloomington-in-47405
-- gilbertd from indiana.edu--http://marmot.bio.indiana.edu/

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