[Arthropod] Invitation to join the Arthropod Genomics Consortium

Doris Merrill via arthropod%40net.bio.net (by dmerrill from ksu.edu)
Fri Dec 11 14:18:16 EST 2009

Participants at the annual symposium sponsored by the Arthropod Genomics
Center at Kansas State University formed the Arthropod Genomics Consortium
to increase collaboration and information exchange among the community of
scientists performing genomic studies on arthropods. We are developing a
wiki, at http://arthropodgenomes.org <http://arthropodgenomes.org/> , to
help the community self-assemble. Our goal is to provide a central location
for information about arthropod genomics projects, bioinformatics tools, and
people interested in arthropod genomics.  We think this is a great way to
"identify the community"; information from the wiki can be used to support
white papers and grant proposals. It will also serve as a central location
for links to arthropod genomics resources, news releases and meeting


We have constructed the initial wiki pages, which include templates for
entering your information. Please take a moment to visit the wiki,
http://arthropodgenomes.org <http://arthropodgenomes.org/> , register and
enter information about yourself and the organism or problems you study.
Even if you don't work directly on a genome project, we would like to know
how you would benefit from genome level knowledge. If you do work on a
genome project, please list the genomic resources that currently exist for
your organism(s) and what resources are needed or planned.  Please encourage
your colleagues to participate. 


To organize such a large area, we have set up four main working groups based
on research interest:  1) plant pests and beneficials, 2) vectors of
disease, 3) Evo/Devo, and 4) EcoGen/PopGen.  Your interests or research
organism may fall into multiple categories. If so, you can list more than



Sue Brown, Director

K-State Arthropod Genomics Center

for the Arthropod Genomics Consortium


Doris R. Merrill, dmerrill from k-state.edu 

Program Coordinator

Arthropod Genomics Center, www.k-state.edu/agc 

Kansas State University, Division of Biology, 318 Ackert

Manhattan, KS  66506-4901

Phone: (785) 532-3482, Fax: (785) 532-6653


Plan to attend the 4th Annual 

Arthropod Genomics Symposium 

June 10 to 13, 2010, in Kansas City!  

Details are available at  <http://www.ksu.edu/agc> www.ksu.edu/agc



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