[Arthropod] ARTHROPOD GENOMICS SYMPOSIUM, June 9-12, 2011, in Kansas City

Doris Merrill via arthropod%40net.bio.net (by dmerrill from ksu.edu)
Thu Sep 16 11:02:52 EST 2010

ARTHROPOD GENOMICS SYMPOSIUM, June 9-12, 2011, in Kansas City


Please SAVE THE DATES of. 

June 9 to June 12

on your calendar and plan to attend the




DATES:    June 9 to 12, 2011

PLACE:    Kansas City Marriott on the beautiful Country Club Plaza

SPONSOR:  K-State Arthropod Genomics Center, Kansas State University


   Thursday afternoon, June 9 - Pre-Symposium Workshop

   Thursday evening, June 9 - Keynote presentation and welcome reception

   Friday & Saturday, June 10 and 11 - Platform and Poster sessions 

   Sunday morning, June 12 - Roundtable discussion with 

         the ArthropodBase Consortium.  All are invited to attend!  

   Noon, Sunday, June 13 - Activities will conclude.


Speakers who are experts in arthropod genomics and bioinformatics with
applications in genomics will be announced soon!  Additional speakers will
be selected from contributed posters. 


Demonstrations: Database and bioinformatics tools developers will be
available at the meeting to provide hands-on demonstrations. 


Visit our website, www.k-state.edu/agc, for updates as details are
finalized.  We hope you will plan to attend!!!


Please help us "paperlessly publicize" the Symposium and share this
announcement with colleagues and students! 



Doris Merrill, Program Coordinator

K-State Arthropod Genomics Center

Division of Biology, Kansas State University

104 Ackert Hall, Manhattan, KS  66506-4901

(785) 532-3482, dmerrill from k-state.edu 




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