[Arthropod] PhD position: insect genomics

Thomas Buckley via arthropod%40net.bio.net (by BuckleyT from landcareresearch.co.nz)
Fri Apr 13 04:54:36 EST 2012

Genome evolution, speciation and molecular population genetics of stick ins=

Supervisor: Associate Professor Thomas Buckley
Co-supervisors: Associate Professor Richard Newcomb, Dr Howard Ross

Next generation DNA sequencing and analysis of whole genomes has opened new=
 possibilities for testing fundamental questions in speciation and adaptati=
on. The successful candidate for this PhD project will generate a draft gen=
ome sequence for a New Zealand stick insect (Clitarchus hookeri) and use th=
is as a tool for exploring detailed questions on adaptation within a specie=
s and between closely related species. The common stick insect (Clitarchus =
hookeri) is widespread through much of New Zealand. This species is particu=
larly interesting at it is a geographic parthenogen and has hybridized with=
 closely related species. The successful candidate will perform Illumina se=
quencing and assemble and annotate a draft genome. This draft genome will b=
e used as a scaffold for RAD-tag studies of SNP variation within C. hookeri=
 and among closely related species. Transcriptome data will also be collect=
ed and mapped to the draft genome to obtain candidate genes underlying phen=
otypic traits for further studies on selection and adaptation. Variation at=
 candidate genes will be measured and compared within and among populations=
 of C. hookeri and among related species. The successful candidate should h=
ave experience in molecular evolution and genomics with an interest in deve=
loping skills in the assembly and analysis of Next Generation DNA sequence =
data. This project is funded by the Allan Wilson Centre for Molecular Ecolo=
gy and Evolution and includes a $25,000 NZD per year scholarship, $5,000 fo=
r tuition fees, and funding for international travel.

For more information and host institutions and supervisors=92 research inte=
rests see the following links:

Associate Professor Thomas Buckley http://www.landcareresearch.co.nz/resear=

Associate Professor Richard Newcomb

Dr Howard Ross


To apply for this position please contact Thomas Buckley at the email addre=
ss below. Potential candidates should submit a CV, two references, and a sh=
ort statement of research interests to:

Thomas Buckley
buckleyt from landcareresearch.co.nz+64-9-574-4116

Thomas Buckley
Research Group Leader, Landcare Research
Associate Professor, University of Auckland
Principal Investigator, Allan Wilson Centre for Molecular Ecology & Evoluti=

Tel: (+64 9) 574 4116  |  Fax: (+64 9) 574 4101  |  Email: buckleyt from landcar=
Post: Private Bag 92170, Auckland, New Zealand  |  Web: http://www.landcare=

Thomas Buckley
Research Group Leader, Landcare Research
Associate Professor, University of Auckland
Principal Investigator, Allan Wilson Centre for Molecular Ecology & Evoluti=

Tel: (+64 9) 574 4116  |  Fax: (+64 9) 574 4101  |  Email: buckleyt from landcar=
eresearch.co.nz<mailto:buckleyt from landcareresearch.co.nz>
Post: Private Bag 92170, Auckland, New Zealand  |  Web: http://www.landcare=

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