[Arthropod] AGS - registration & abstract submission deadlines - 4/19/13

Eck Institute for Global Health - ( eigh ) via arthropod%40net.bio.net (by eigh from nd.edu)
Mon Apr 15 10:56:32 EST 2013

7th Annual Arthropod Genomics Symposium: ARTHROPOD GENOMICS 2013 ONWARD

** Early Bird Registration and Abstract Submission deadlines are this Friday, April 19, 2013 **

To register for the Arthropod Genomics Symposium or view more information visit:


The 7th Annual Arthropod Genomics Symposium and VectorBase Workshop will be held from June 12 - June 15, 2013, and is hosted by the Eck Institute for Global Health at the University of Notre Dame.

The VectorBase Workshop will begin early afternoon on Wednesday, June 12, 2013, and conclude late afternoon on Thursday, June 13, 2013.

The Arthropod Genomics Symposium will begin Thursday evening, June 13, 2013, and conclude late afternoon on Saturday, June 15, 2013 (an optional dinner is scheduled for Saturday night).

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