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Subject: Supramolecular chemistry and thermodynamics of biological
evolution and aging, Supramolecular thermodynamics, Complex systems,
Thermodynamics of origin of life,
Macrothermodynamics, Self-assembly of supramolecular structures,
Supramolecules and Assemblies, Adaptation
For professional scientists!
Dear Colleagues,
I would be much obliged to you if you could take a look at my web site.
My Institute: URL ,
Georgi P. Gladyshev
Thermodynamics of Aging
(The general theory of Aging)
The aim of this paper is: to find out, from the view point of general
lows of Nature, why we age and find the ways of slowing down the
(Materials for the Symposium Thermodynamics and Information Theory
in Biology 1998 AAAS Annual Meeting and Science Innovation
Exposition AAASs 150-th Anniversary Celebration, 12-17 February
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Track: Emerging Science: Transforming the
Next Generation)
The findings of macrothermodynamics (supramolecular thermodynamics) of
quasi-closed systems and the published data about the variation of the
chemical composition of living organisms in ontogeny confirm the
thermodynamic tendency of aging processes. According to the
thermodynaic theory the specific value of the Gibbs function of the
formation of supramolecular structures of the organism tends to a
minimum. That tendency explains the variation of the supramolecular and
chemical composition and the morphology of tissues during aging. The
theory makes it possible to define the principles upon which proper
diets and medications can be devised to slow down aging. Such diets
and medications are also useful in preventative care and in the
treatment of various pathologies and among them those attending old
age. The principle of the stability of chemical substance of the
supramolecular structures of tissues makes it possible to understand the
causes of
the practically unlimited evolution of the biological world from the
perspective of the Second Law in its classical definition.
The full text of paper at:
and see also (the information about my book and others papers ):
New Biological
Evolution and Aging---Life in the Universe originated and is evolving in
accordance with the general laws of nature, specifically, the law of
temporal hierarchies and the second law of thermodynamics ---
There are two main questions.
The first question: Why We Age ? - Now we know only one theory. It
is the thermodynamic theory.
The second question: How We Age ? - A lot of theories which are
connected with kinetics and mechanisms of processes .
One can propose a lot of the characteristic (particularistic) factors
are connected with the mechanisms of aging of some living structures.
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